Donnerstag, 12.09.2024
08:00 - 09:30
Hörsaal 5 CC
Biopsychosocial aspects of Geroscience: from theory to translation
To reduce the burden of disease and improve the number of years of healthy living, we should try to slow the process of aging. Beside biomedical, clinical factors, psychosocial stress strongly impacts the aging process. The traditional goal of geroscience is seeking to understand the genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms that make aging a major risk factor and driver of common chronic conditions and diseases of older adults. Based on this knowledge, new interventions can be developed. As such, geroscience reflects the spirit of the medical specialty of geriatrics, seeking to understand and manage the clinical phenotypes peculiar of older persons beyond single organ failure and single illnesses. In addition, social, behavioral and psychological drivers of aging, as well as social and behavioral stressors, are an important component of geroscience. This session aims at highlighting the recent great advances performed in the biomolecular, psychosocial, and clinical fields of aging with particular attention to the discoveries that will enable a high-output integration of geroscience, gerontology and geriatrics for the maintenance of health and vitality up to the oldest age.
Moderation: G. Fuellen, Rostock; A. Simm, Halle (Saale)